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Login to Online Banking

You will need your member account number, social security number, phone number and email address,   You can easily sign-up for PT online banking from anywhere you are. Simply click on Login and select Enroll to sign-up!
There are two access points:
  1. Visit and click "Login" at the top right.
  2. Download our NEW mobile app from Google Play or Apple Store (links below)

Note: You will not be able to access the website via old bookmarks or the previous mobile banking app.  

Better security with (2FA) - two factor authentication

Two-Factor Authentication is a security measure that allows you to request a one-time access code to log in to digital banking. The code enhances the security by creating an added layer on top of your unique username and password. This security process helps to verify you and better protect your credentials and the accounts you can access.

Do I need to get a code every time I log in?

No. Check the “Don’t ask for codes again on this computer” box if you do not want to receive a confirmation code or phone call each time you log in. If you prefer to input a confirmation code with each use, you can leave the box unchecked or use the 2-Factor Authentication app to deliver the code

Note: If you ever want to remove a device and reset your security settings, you can change them in settings once logged in to digital banking.

Mobile Banking Apps

To download the free PrimeTrust Mobile Banking App for your smartphone or tablet, simply search for "PrimeTrust" or "PrimeTrust Financial" in the Play Store or App Store and follow the directions given.
Apple App Store Badge

Google Play Badge

The first time you access the Online Banking, you will be prompted to create your own unique username and password and then setup through 2FA.

How do I pay a bill in digital banking?

You can use digital banking to pay a bill or pay a person.
    • Log in
    • Select Move Money > Payments or Tap Pay under your account in mobile
    • If it is your first-time using Payments, it will ask you to enroll, click Enroll
    • Select Pay a bill or Pay a person (online only)
    • Select the merchant or person you would like to pay
    • Select an account to take funds from, and then input the Amount
    • If you would like to set the date for the payment, Select More options and select the desired date
    • Select Submit
If you have problems viewing the site, your pop-up blocker may be preventing the site from appearing. Following the directions to the right based on your Internet browser.
PrimeTrust requires only one condition to qualify – “Persons who live, work, worship or attends school in, and businesses and other legal entities located in Delaware, Madison, Hamilton, Henry, or Hamilton County, Indiana”, may apply for membership. The key condition to remember is the “relationship” with those listed counties– for example, if you live outside of one of the listed counties , but work in one of those provided counties, you qualify. Businesses and organizations qualify with a legal address inside Delaware, Madison, Hamilton, Henry, or Hamilton Counties.
Yes. At the home page, look for "Loans - Apply Online" for the type of loan you want. A link will be provided. Applying is quick, easy, and free.  Experience our streamlined decision process.


Not necessarily. Perhaps the information you entered didn't match the information in the system, such as your current address, or you may have inadvertently made a mistake while typing, such as your salary is $30,000 and you put in $3,000. Someone from PrimeTrust will call you to clarify the information and give you a decision on your application. 

Equity loans are viewable online, however first mortgages are not viewable.
No, a debit card purchase cannot have a stop payment place on a transaction. Debit card transaction are in "real time". 
No, not by e-mail, but you may order checks online or by calling the PrimeTrust Call Center at 765-289-2148
If you have lost or if you suspect your ATM or Visa Debit card was stolen, please call 877-943-5463 immediately. If your Visa credit card is lost or stolen, please call 800-289-5939.
You may change your PIN at any branch Monday through Friday, and at the Bethel Branch on Saturday. The process is free, quick, and easy.
If you or your spouse is being deployed, you need to bring a copy of the deployment papers to a branch and you may sign a form.
If an item was processed as an “ACH” or electronic item, or processed directly at our teller window, you may not be able to get an image. You may contact PrimeTrust for official documentation of an ACH payment.
One cause may be your employer changing the way your payroll is sent to PrimeTrust. Changing the name and/or payroll I.D. number can cause our PrimeTrust system to be unable to recognize the payroll, and therefore not make the necessary deductions. 
You need to give your employer your PrimeTrust routing number and account number, and whether you want all of your money put in checking or savings. The routing number directs it to PrimeTrust, the account number lets us know where you want the deposit. To request the routing number, please contact PrimeTrust at 765-289-2148

The system may be temporarily down. Try it again. If you still can't get in, contact us at 765-289-2148
The first time you set up a payment it will go out as a check. If the company accepts electronic payments, the system will automatically convert it from check payments to electronic payments. 
Yes, you will be able to make transfers between accounts that you are joint on including share to share transfers, share to loan transfers, and loan to share transfers after a Member Service Representative sets the perimeters in the system for you. 
You may call a Member Service Representative at PrimeTrust at (765) 289-2148 or (800) 459-5585 to obtain your username. If you forget your password, we will assign you a temporary password and the system will prompt you to create a new unique password the first time you access the system. PrimeTrust will never have access to your unique password.
EMV, which stands for Europay, Mastercard and Visa, was introduced in the U.S. in 2016. The cards are also called smart cards, chip cards and smart-chip cards. Chip cards are processed through card-reading and verification. However, instead of a quick swipe, you’ll be asked to insert, or dip, your card into a terminal slot and leave it there as the transaction is processed. When your card is dipped, data is transmitted from the card chip and the issuing financial institution to verify the card’s legitimacy and create the unique transaction code. This process takes longer than a swipe. After you’ve inserted your card, you may be asked for a PIN or a signature which will be transmitted to the payment terminal for verification. If your merchant doesn’t have a chip-card reader, your EMV card can be read with a swipe. Also, if you’re unsure of whether to dip or swipe, the terminal will guide you.

Contact the PrimeTrust team to learn more.

Call or text 765-289-2148

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